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My Story – Part One

cloudy-daySo, I have been putting this off because I haven’t quite been sure where to start, but more than that I don’t want to be vulnerable. To put myself out there. To confess my struggles, and possibly be judged by others. I have been hiding behind a “secret” for 9 years. Only my closest friends and family new my struggle. I hide it very well and people are often very surprised when I open up to them, but God says:

James 5:16 {NASB} “Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.”

I have felt as of late, that God has been wanting me to open up and share.  To confess my “sin,”  so that I may be healed.  Not only for my healing, but to share in hopes of reaching others who also struggle with the same thing.  So, here goes nothing…9 years ago I was diagnosed with Panic Disorder.  The long and short of it is that I have high anxiety most of the time and have  repeated panic attacks.  We all have anxious times and most have even probably had a panic attack, but this is constant.  I managed it well, for years, with the help of Lexapro.  My anxiety nearly gone and a rare panic attack here or there.  I was thrilled until September 2012 when we informed my OBGYN that we would like to have Baby numero 2.  I was informed that once I missed a period I would need to stop Lexapro.  Take a step back 2 years ago and I was on this drug through my whole pregnancy with our first son.  I was a little confused as to why I would need to stop it now, but felt the Lord say now is a good time to try.  So, instead of going cold turkey I slowly weened myself off over the next 2  months.

Everything went great until around Thanksgiving.  My grandfather passed away on Thanksgiving, we moved the next week, and then Christmas.  It was just a high stress time and all my anxiety/panic returned.  This time with Agoraphobia, which pretty much means the fear of going places.  People often get home bound which wasn’t an option with a toddler.  So, needless to say it has been a crazy ride since then.  I have gotten hooked up with a great counselor and an AMAZING psychiatrist that is a believer, but the road has been rough.  Everything got worse before even slightly got better.  We tried Zoloft, Lexapro, and finally Prozac which seems to be helping, but throughout this I have never been so desperate for God. His Word says:

2 Corinthians 2:9 “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.”

I am learning that this struggle isn’t about me.  It is about Him.  About trusting Him and having faith.  It is about surrendering control and letting Him direct my path.  It is about learning to hear the Holy Spirit as well as the attacks of my enemy.  God wants us to be more than Conquerors and that is what I am going to to…conquer.

I look forward to taking you along this journey and sharing what the Lord is teaching me.  I would love to hear other peoples stories and hope we can bless each other!






“Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.” Deu 31:6 {The Message}

With everyone sharing their 2013 “words” for the year, I decided it was time to share the word that God has placed on my heart.  Victory, a simple and powerful word meaning “a success or triumph over an enemy in battle or war”.  How many wars and enemies do we battle in our daily lives?  I am in the middle of a battle I have fought before, but is once again rearing it’s ugly head, but I have declared victory over this challenge.  Even though I am still in the midst of this, God has brought me through once before and he will bring me through once again!!!

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Tim 1:7 {NKJV}

What if we all declared victory over our lives in this new year before we encountered any enemies, or any wars that the Enemy places before us? We probably would still encounter all the crummy stuff, but we would know the Lord is right next to us giving us strength and victory over our circumstances.

So, I challenge everyone in 2013 to lay down their fears before God and declare victory!  I would love for anyone to share the victories God has brought to them and I can’t wait to share my own story {in progress}.



Pump{k}in It Up – Cardio Workout

Pump{k}in It Up – Cardio Workout

Finally back at it!  Between no internet, a baby waking up before 5am, teaching classes, and trying to nap, there hasn’t been much blogging time!  I wish I was a night owl, but I am definately not!  Anyways…

There are only about 10 days til Halloween.  You know what that means right?!  Halloween candy is on sale ;)!  Like all the kiddos aren’t going to bring home enough – right?!  Well to keep that figure in tip top shape here is another workout for you.  Think of it as a jump statrt to keeping off those holiday pounds that often creep up on all of us.

I often use this format in my group cycling classes, but you can use it on any cardio equipment, or even outside.  Just follow the directions and have FUN!!!  And for all of you beginners…don’t freak…do what you can:)

Also, to help motivate all of you, Tabata type workouts are the Hot New Trend these days.  It is proven that “Tabata boosts not only your cardio-repiratory fitness, but your muscle power too.” {Carl Foster, Ph.D}  Double the benefit in less time!

Below you will find a printable of the workout.  Print it out and take it with you 🙂


Right Click and “Save As” for Printable





All You Need Is One…

All You Need Is One…

Today was the last day to register to vote in Colorado.  It got me thinking.  There are many times that I have asked myself if my vote REALLY matters.  When it comes down to it can I really make a difference.  I know it is my civil liberty and my moral obligation to vote.  I know I am blessed to live in a country where we are able to vote and have freedom.  However, in all honesty, I didn’t really feel like it mattered.  I have cast my vote in every Presidential election since I was 18, but I never really thought it made an impact.  After all, the electoral college votes are really all that count…right?  However, after our message at church on Sunday, my thoughts were changed.  How many times has a SINGLE person done AMAZING things and changed the whole WORLD?!

I ask you this, with one of the most polarizing elections in my day about to happen, with our country on the brink of life altering decisions, I ask you to be that ONE who can make a difference.  Potentially change the way this country is headed.

What if…

  • Abraham Lincoln never abolished slavery?
  • Martin Luther King Jr. never stood up for Civil Rights?
  • Winston Churhill didn’t stand up to the Nazi war machine?
  • Thomas Edison didn’t invent the lightbulb?
  • Alexander Flemming didn’t discover Penicillin?
  • God never sent His son to go before us so that we may live?

Our world would probably be a not-s0-fun place to be in.  Full of violence, sickness, and darkness.  These were all single people that made big differences, against much adversity. What they also had were people that helped them, encouraged them, and supported them throughout their journey.

What I ask of you is to be that ONE.  Be the ONE that votes to make a difference. To support the candidate you believe in.  Not because they are cool.  Not because they are funny.  Not based on your political affiliation, geographical location,  your relgious denomination, or your racial obligation.  Vote based on your VALUES and what you believe in.  Be the change you want to see and uphold the freedom that this country was built upon.

I encourage you to watch a sort video that they shared with us.  It is 7 minutes and TOTALLY worth!




WIWO {What I Worked Out}

So, I often see other bloggers doing a What I Wore post, but who am I kidding.  Between teaching fitness class and chasing after a toddler, I often don’t get to shower until 4pm, let alone put on anything other than yoga pants and a tank.  So, I decided to switch it up and do a What I Worked Out post.  I am going to share with you either what I worked out that day, or some of my favorite workouts.  Hopefully they will keep you motivated or inspire you to try something different!

With Halloween coming up I put together a Scaredy Fat Workout.  This workout will have that fat melt away in NO time flat!!!  It is a high intensity, full body workout.  At the advanced level it is a 30 minute workout.  Perfect to fit into your busy day or to do along with some cardio if you have more time!

Here is your Printable to take with you!  Now go at it:)

Right Click and “Save As” to print



Favorite Things {Food Edition}

Who am I kidding. I LOVE to eat. I workout so that I can eat. Especially so I can eat dessert. I try to cook and bake as much as I can, but again, who am I kidding. I have a 17 month old…sometimes speed is necessary. That’s where my Favorite Things {Food Edition} comes into play. Here are 5 edible things I am loving right now:

1.) Healthy Choice Frozen Greek Yogurt: Holy Shmoly…these things are SO SO SO good! They are single serving FroYo’s from heaven. Each is 100 calories {when extra caramel sauce is NOT added…who would EVER do that 😉 }. I have had the Blueberry and Vanilla Bean. Both are delicious and my kid would agree.

2.) Honey Maid Lil’ Squares: I have a problem with kid-sized snacks. If it’s small and cute, like my kid, I buy it. These are no exception. They are teeny,tiny graham cracker snacks. I bought them for E, but I have had my fair share. What I love most: they fit into his little snack cup!

3.) String Cheese: Nothing new, or exciting with this one. It is so simple and convenient though. Grab, extract from wrapper, eat. Quick snack for Mom when she realizes she forgot to eat, and great snack for E on the go. Did I mention they make GREAT teethers?! E can shove that sucker way back towards his molars!

4.) Earth’s Best Chicken Nuggets: My kid loves these. He probably will turn into a chicken nugget. I admit I have some mommy guilt when I feed him these all the time, but he can be picky. If I want him to eat, I better give him what he likes. I like that these are “healthier” than the other brands out there. If I had it all together I would make my own…but since I don’t…these are the next best thing!

5.) Nature Valley Granola Thins {Dark Chocolate}: Dark Chocolate and Granola = a match made in food heaven! These are one of my go-to snacks. I feel as if the granola cancels out the chocolate making it a healthy snack. Also the fact that they are only 80 calories also makes it a total score! Great for a pre- or post-workout treat!

What are your favorite snacks these days?


Check Your Attitude

Check Your Attitude

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Prov. 23:7)

I have really wanted to have a bad attitude these last couple days. To me, my circumstances justified my feelings. I had a baby who had been waking up prior to 5am for the past two days. I was tired. The house was a mess. The laundry wasn’t done. I was tired. I had to go teach my group cycling class and act like I wanted to be there. I wanted needed a nap. We were having company over for dinner. Did I mention the house was a mess AND I was tired. I felt overwhelmed. My mind, in a fog of exhaustion, just couldn’t sort things out and I was mad. I just wanted to crawl back in bed and be crabby. I wanted someone to feel sorry for me. Sure, this is nothing compared to what others may be going thorough, but for me it was like WWIII.

Well, crawling back in bed wasn’t an option. I thought about calling in and canceling my class, but I can’t call in a cancel being a mom, so I just decided to suck it up. As I drove to drop of Baby E at my in-laws I felt God say that I can’t let my feelings dictate my attitude. I can’t let my circumstances steal my joy. It was like a punch to my gut…and totally 100% true. I continued to listen to God as he reminded me of two powerful scriptures:

Philippians 4:13 {The Message}
“Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.”

Isaiah 30:28{NLT}
31 But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not faint.

I felt like I couldn’t let my circumstances determine how I feel. God doesn’t give me anything I can’t handle. He is ALWAYS with me and will not let me get weak or weary, and if I am He will lift me up and get me through. The only thing that letting my feelings and my circumstances determine my attitude does is make me not very much fun to be around. It also makes my day pretty crummy.

As soon as I changed my mindset my day got better. The burden of my circumstances were lifted as soon as I started teaching my cycling class and I ended up having a pretty awesome day!

What do you do when your circumstances are out to steal your joy?




1 Corinthians 1:4

The Message (MSG)

4-6 “Every time I think of you—and I think of you often!—I thank God for your lives…”

Fall officially started today!  Woo hoo…I think this is my favorite season.  I love the crisp air, the breeze, the changing leaves, and the holidays!  My favorite holiday, ever since I was little, has been Thanksgiving.  It was, and still is, the only holiday where both sides of my family gets together in one place.  We have always held Thanksgiving at my parent’s house and it is a time of food, family, and a lot of gratitude.

There is always SO much to be thankful for.  People to be thankful for, blessings to be thankful for, and a God full of love and grace to be thankful for.  Even in our most darkest hours, there is something we can always be thankful for, but how often do we really tell those that we are thankful for them, for something they did, or for simply who they are.  God has really been placing this on my heart lately.  I have SO much, and SO many, that I owe gratitude to and for.

I have decided to embark on a personal challenge…a 30 Days of Gratitude Challenge.  I got the idea from here.  It’s simple, your goal is to express gratitude to one person a day, anywhere in the world, for any reason,  for 30 consecutive days by sending a heartfelt card.  Who doesn’t like to get mail {real mail}.  I am going to be using SendOutCards.  The are many reasons I am using SendOutCards, but the main reason is  because I don’t have to leave the comfort of my own home to try and pick out a card with a squirmy 16 month old…and I am lazy ;)!  With the economy the way it is, you don’t even have to send a card if.  It could be a phone call, a hug, or a personal Thank You!  Just let someone know, everyday, that you are thankful for them.

I can’t wait to see God work through me in this challenge and I am excited to share my experiences with you.  I would also love to have you join me and see how God works through all of you.  October 1st is my official start date.  Start with me or chose your own start date, but be sure to comment and share your experiences!!



Running on Empty

Running on Empty


So, it’s no joke, I love to run.  I love to escape the world, the chores, the cries, and the responsibilities and just enjoy the world that God has created with my own two feet.  I find that this is my quiet time.  The time I can tap into God’s blessings, to pray, to worship, and to be in awe of Him.  On a recent run {that was less pleasant than desired} I began trying to shift my focus from the pain and suffering to something a little more inspirational.  I began to tell myself, “The voice you hear in your head that says you can’t do this is a liar.”  As I said this realized just how true this is in SO much more than just running.  Especially in faith.  How often do we let the enemy tell us we can’t do something?  How often do we let his lies overturn the blessing that God has for us? How many of His blessings are we missing because the enemy plants that seed of fear in our minds and hearts.  If I am honest with myself this has probably happened more often than I would like to admit.  I have been blessed with some amazing opportunities these past couple days and can already feel my default setting getting ready to fire up.

  • I can’t do this…
  • What do I have to offer…
  • Will they like me…
  • Is this really what You have for me…
  • All these people are so much more successful…

As these lies enter my mind I remind myself that “The voice you hear in your head that says you can’t do this is a liar.”  I refuse to let the enemy have one more blessing that the Lord has for me.  I decide to face my fears head on and be more intentional with God now than I have ever been!  BRING.IT.ON!

I challenge you to do something this week that is out of your comfort zone.  Something that God has been placing on your heart, but you have yet to committ to because of fear.  Just remember “The voice you hear in your head that says you can’t do this is a liar.”



OMG Oatmeal Cookies


I am always on the lookout for delicious recipes. Not going to lie, but I LOVE a good cookie, especially a chewy oatmeal cookie. Since embarking on our gluten free adventure I have come to learn that this is not a prison sentence. Recently I had the urge to make some healthy oatmeal cookies for dessert and snackime. Oatmeal has a ton of health benefits. It is a whole grain and high in fiber. So, it is the perfect snack to keep you full if the recipe is tweaked to make it a little healthier.

I started by Googling “simple healthy oatmeal cookies,” and came across a bunch or recipes. I was amazing by how much butter these all called for. Almost all of them called for 1 Cup of butter. That is 2 sticks…I can just feel my arteries hardening. I finally found a recipe that I could tweek on SparkPeople.


  • 3/4 cup Whole Wheat Flour {I used Arrowhead GF All Purpose Flour}
  • 1 Cup Oats {Not the quick oats…I used GF}
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 3/4 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup butter {softened}
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 TBS Ground Flax Seed with 3 TBS Warm Water = 1 Egg {Let the mixture sit for one minute}


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. I know you are supposed to mix the dry ingredients separate than the wet and then combine them, but I just threw them all together and mixed until combined. Grease a cookie sheet and place 1 TBS blobs of cookie dough onto the sheet about 2 inches apart. Bake for about 12 minutes or until golden brown.

I swear these cookies tasted like what I imagine drugs taste like. All 20 of them were gone in 24 hours. I blame the baby…he’s a smart one 🙂 Hope you enjoy!

